Financial institutions must get three things right to succeed - credit quality, liquidity, and interest rate risk (IRR). Many institutions successfully manage the first two risks but struggle with the third. ALM Advisors brings a wealth of experience identifying and managing interest rate risk, guided by exposure to a broad array of institutions and their balance sheets, and providing execution to a successful asset/liability management.
We can offer you a full range of support services, including:
- Advanced interest rate risk measurement
- Liquidity modeling
- Balance sheet consulting
- Risk mitigation
An Experienced Team
FHN Financial's ALM Advisors group has been serving customers for more than a decade. From our senior management to our financial analysts, the team's members have more than a century of combined experience.
Our years in the industry have given us regular exposure to a broad array of institutions, balance sheets, and geographic markets. As a result, we have encountered nearly every situation that your institution might encounter — enabling us to adeptly handle your needs. Our reports can help you lead a well-informed management team and give you the information you need to satisfy your board of directors.
Strong Execution
We can help you observe, interpret, and apply interest rate risk measurements. From policy compliance to balance sheet implications, we have the staff and the support tools you need to help make intelligent decisions.